This is Not My Culture – Workshop Cabaret Jam
cSPACE Eau Claire Neighbourhood Hub 381 2 Avenue Southwest, CalgaryYou're invited! Bring your puppets, masks, and playful spirit to share and learn with a gathering of like-minded folks.
You're invited! Bring your puppets, masks, and playful spirit to share and learn with a gathering of like-minded folks.
Animovies 60 minutes Curated by filmmaker Loretta Simeon, this fascinating and entertaining program of shorts from around the world uses an astonishing array of stop-motion, puppetry, and animated object techniques to explore complex and whimsical themes. Featuring: The Fable of the Fox & the Stork by Anna Lee Red Rider/ Marcach Dearg by Emma and […]
What’s your Spark? Join WP Puppet Theatre for this mini-Puppet Power event. Make your own ‘Affirmation Puppet’ that will hold your hopes, dreams, goals and affirmations in this two hour session. Colourful fabrics, yarns, buttons, felting and beads, plus some surprising ingredients, come together with your ‘Notes to Self’. All instructions, materials and tools provided. […]